Sunday, September 07, 2008

August 30, 2008 by Merri Williams a fellow Kindermusik Educator in Georgia

As adults, we all know (or should know) that there will always be times in our lives that things happen, situations arise, that we have absolutely no control over - the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, even our child’s first day of preschool or first grade when it is suddenly brought home to us that those early years have passed all too quickly.

Some children breeze through the “first-day-of-school” milestone with little or no difficulty whatsoever.

Others struggle - where is this place that’s called “school”? Will I like it? Will I have friends there? How long before mom and/or dad pick me up?

Anxiety often results simply from fears of the unknown, and, while we, as adults, know that our children will probably be just fine in school, these are very real unknown concerns for many children. With life getting busier and his world expanding exponentially, a child may feel overwhelmed by all the new expectations and requirements that come his way.

If this is your child, how can you help him or her adjust to that kind of change in their world?

With all the changes in his/her life, staying in Kindermusik provides a badly needed consistency required to make the transition easier. In our Kindermusik classes, children learn to recognize the structure and routine of our class flow. It makes for a comfortable, secure time in their weekly schedule where they know what to expect for themselves, and come to learn what is expected of themselves, as well.

With life getting busier, and your child’s activities more independent in nature, Kindermusik is one place where the two of you can still spend precious time focused on each other.
See our Class Schedule for a day and time that works for your family.

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